Issue №1-83, 2018

Integrated Interdisciplinary Methodology of Treatment of Vertebrogenic Dorsopathy

1 Shulyakovskiy V.V., 2 Shipilov I.V.

1 Medicinskij centr na Degtyarnom (Moskva), ANO «Nacional'naya akademiya aktivnogo dolgoletiya», «Andreevskie bol'nicy. NEBOLIT», MO, Krasnogorsk, Russia


The problem of treatment of discogenic category of patients is of great medical and social importance and has acquireda pronounced interdisciplinary character. Ranked first in the world to reduce the quality of life among all medical reasons.Leads to the loss of 4 million working days a year. Included in the 5 leading causes of hospitalization. For the period fromNovember 2014 to December 2017 in the clinics Medical center for Tar (Moscow) and St. Andrew's hospital. NEBOLIT(MO, Krasnogorsk) were treated 180 patients with discogenic dorsopathy. All patients underwent a comprehensive examinationbefore and after treatment: a study of neuro-orthopedic status (somatoscope, anthropometry, manual muscletesting and testing of mobility systems), testing by visual analogue pain scale (VAS), ultrasound of the fixation structuresPDS, neuroimaging techniques (MRI, CT). The methodology of neurorehabilitation consisted of local application of gel andliquid carmolis, the method proprioceptive neuro-muscular re-education and natural metabolic “Greens With Flax Seed”.The proposed methodology showed high efficiency for characteristics such as dynamics of pain syndrome, the evolution ofthe stages of change stato–dynamic stereotype and the type of the disease.

KEYWORDS: vertebrogenic dorsopathy, neuro rehabilitation, intervertebral hernia, the mechanism of destruction of the vertebral-motor segment, proprioceptive neuro-muscular re-education, carmolis, natural product, metabolic “Greens With Flax Seed” , correction of stato-dynamic stereotype


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This is an open article under the CC BY 4.0 license. Published by the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology.