Issue 2-84, 2018

Organizational Aspects of Ensuring the Restoration of Mental Activity in the Process of Neurorehabilitation

1 Ivanova G.E., 2 Zaitsev O.S., 2 Maksakova O.A., 3 Prokopenko S.V., 4 Ivanova N.E.

1 RNIMU him. N.I. Pirogova of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow. Russia
2 Crysis Neurosurgery Center. N.N. Burdenko of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow
3 Center for Neurorehabilitation SKA FMBA of Russia, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
4 «Russian Polenov Neurosurgical Institute», a branch of NMIC V.A. Almazova, St. Petersburg, Russia


Disorders of mental activity in the form of a deficiency of various types of activity and / or the appearance of productivepsychopathological phenomena are observed in all patients with a pathology of the nervous system.Violations of mental activity in the form of deficiency of various types of activity and / or the emergence of productivepsychopathological phenomena are noted in all patients with pathology of the nervous system. Directed effects are necessarynot only for restoration / retraining of fallen or decreased mental (including cognitive) functions, special attentionneeds to be paid to the correction of the so-called "productive" mental disorders (psychotic, emotional and neurotic) thatsignificantly complicate the process of recovery and interaction with patients. As a rule, they are caused by a combinationof organic (associated with the defeat of the nervous system), reactive (due to the personality's reaction to the disease,existing life limitations and ongoing medical measures) and premorbid (in particular, endogenous) factors.Specialists in the field of mental rehabilitation can take measures to improve the mental state of patients in an autonomousmode; At the same time, they should be built into the rehabilitation team to have common goals in the restoration(integration) of consciousness, movements, speech, behavior, working in accordance with certain rules with resuscitators,neurologists, speech therapists, physical rehabilitation specialists.Restoration and correction of all manifestations of the patient's activity disorders, including mental activity, requirejoint efforts of representatives of different disciplines, focused both on the psychopathological consequences of braindiseases, and on the violation of the control of vital functions, and, of course, various deficits of motor and coordinationfunctions. It is necessary to make administrative decisions to create a unified system of training for specialists in the fieldof mental rehabilitation.

KEYWORDS: ensuring the restoration of mental activity, neurorehabilitation, organizational aspects


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