Issue №3-85, 2018

Technologies of Medical Rehabilitation and Ablution of Children with Consequences of Perinatal Pathology of the Nervous System

1,2 Khan M.A., 2 Chubarova A.I., 3 Degtyareva M.G., 1 Kuyantseva L.V., 1 Tulenkova T.Ye., 1 Mikitchenko N.A.

1 GAUZ «Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative and Sports Medicine of the Moscow City Health Department», Moscow, Russia
2 GBUZ «DGKB number 13 named. N.F. Filatova DZM», Moscow, Russia
3 FGBOU VO «The Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia


ABSTRACTPerinatal brain injuries play a leading role in the disadaptation and disability of children, and therefore the problemof early rehabilitation of these children is of particular relevance. Among the important tasks of medical rehabilitation ofchildren with consequences of PCNC include improvement of blood supply and metabolic processes in brain tissue, neuromuscularconduction, normalization of central and peripheral regulation of muscle tone. At the present time, innovativetechnologies have been scientifically substantiated and proposed for inclusion in the complex of medical rehabilitation ofchildren with consequences of PPNC: transcranial and pulse magnetotherapy, nonselective and selective chromotherapy(green, blue spectrum), vasoactive electrostimulation, reflexotherapy. Of great importance in rehabilitation is kinesitherapy:therapeutic massage, therapeutic gymnastics, treatment by «position», Vojta-therapy, fitball-gymnastics, dry immersion, immersionmassage, «dry pool».One of the urgent problems of medical rehabilitation of children with perinatal CNS lesions is the development of programsfor habilitation. To prevent violations of the neuropsychological development of children of the perinatal risk group,the School for Parents «Healthy Child» was created. An information and training program for the prevention of neurodevelopmentaldisorders in children of perinatal risk groups has been developed based on the use of information and trainingprograms based on the training of parents.

KEYWORDS: medical rehabilitation, habilitation, perinatal pathology of the nervous system, transcranial magnetic therapy, pulsed magnetic therapy, polarized light, selective chromotherapy, green spectrum, blue spectrum, vasoactive electrostimulation, reflexotherapy, kinesitherapy, Vojta-therapy


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