Issue №3-85, 2018

Influence of Different Types of Aquarehabilitation on Neuromediatic Activity in Children with Disorders of Autism Spectrum

1 Golubova T.F., 2 Tsukurova L.A., 1 Vlasenko S.V.

1 Scientific Research Institute of Children’s Balneology, Physiotherapy and Medical Rehabilitation, Yevpatoria, Russia
2 Kubansky Medical Institute, Krasnodar, Russia


The development of effective methods of rehabilitation in children with autism are is relevant. The aim is to study theimpact of different types of aquareabilitation on neurotransmitter activity in children with autism. 69 children with disorderof autism spectrum (DAS) – (F84) aged 5 to 14 years were examined. I group – 23 children who received the health researchtherapy (HRT); II group – 24 children who received a course of therapeutic swimming (TS); III group – 22 children who receiveda course of adaptive freediving (AF). The control group (CG) consisted of 22 healthy children. The estimated contentin the blood serum GABA before and after treatment complexes. A significant decrease in GABA in children with autism wasfound, with symptoms of aggression, hyperactivity, affective states, and focal epileptic activity (FEA) was detected in EEGexamination.After the treatment, there was a significant increase in GABA in group II and group III in children with hyperactivityand aggression, and in group III in children with FEA. It was revealed that in children with DAS, there is a decrease inGABA, the main inhibitory neurotransmitter of the brain, more pronounced in children with aggression, hyperactivity, affectivestates, and with FEA. The inclusion of adaptive freediving in the course of HRT promotes an increase in GABA in clinicalsymptoms of hyperactivity and aggression and with epileptic activity on the EEG.

KEYWORDS: autism, children, GABA, health research therapy, therapeutic swimming, adaptive freediving


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This is an open article under the CC BY 4.0 license. Published by the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology.