Issue №6-88, 2018

Application of the General Magnetotherapy and Faltering Pneumocompression in the Early Postoperative Period at Patients After the Radical Mastectomy

1 Gerasimenko M.U., 1 Evstigneeva I.S., 1 Kulikov A.G., 2 Strazev S.N.

1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education “Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education”, of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
2 State budgetary health care institution city polyclinic 212 of the Moscow City Health Department
3 Bauman Moscow State Technical University


Objective and tool examination at patients with a radical mastectomy during the early postoperative period (2–4 days) isconducted, after that were a course of the general magnetotherapy in combination with a faltering pneumocompression ofthe lower extremities and trunks is conducted. It has been proved that at such combination of the patient note improvementof quality of life, postoperative puffiness decreases, the pain syndrome decreases, limforea terms are shortened. There is anincrease in volume and quality of movements, decreases violations of sensitivity in the top extremity. I have shown resultsof a remote infrared termografiya that positive dynamics remained only at the patients from group receiving the combinedapplication of two factors that proves about prolongation of clinical effect at combined applications of a faltering pneumocompressionand the general magnetotherapy. Thus, this the combination of two physical factors in the early postoperativeperiod, at patients after a radical mastectomy, has broad functionality and позволяюето to receive more expressed andresistant clinical result.

KEYWORDS: rehabilitation, general magnetotherapy, pneumocompression, postmastektomichesky syndrome, breast cancer, remote infrared termografiya, early postoperative period


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This is an open article under the CC BY 4.0 license. Published by the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology.