Issue №2-90, 2019

Cryo-massage in the rehabilitation of athletes after surgical treatment of injuries of the lumbar spine

1,2 Vadutov R.R.

1 «Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical Neuropsychiatric Hospital for War Veterans», Yekaterinburg, Russia
2 «Ural State University of Physical Culture», Yekaterinburg, Russia


The article is devoted to the evaluation of the effectiveness of cryo-massage in the complex rehabilitation of athletesafter surgical treatment of the lumbar spine. Effectiveness of rehabilitation is confirmed by the reduction of hypertonicity ofthe paravertebral muscles from 29.e.(96,7%) and 6(20%); reduction of the limit movement in the lumbar spine 25(83,3%) and4 patients(13.3%); disappearance of pelvic disorders 3(10%) to 0; the forced disappearance the base installation with 15(50%)to 0; the fading of root pain radiating to dermatomes 24(80%), 2(6,6%) before and after the cryo-massage, respectively.

KEYWORDS: athletes, surgical treatment, physical rehabilitation, cryo-massage.


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This is an open article under the CC BY 4.0 license. Published by the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology.