Issue 6-94, 2019

Physiobalneotherapy in complex rehabilitation young people with clinical signs of the syndrome irritable bowel with constipation

1,2 Poddubnaya O.A., 1 Privalov N.I.

1 Siberian state medical University, Tomsk, Russia
2 Siberian Federal Scientific and Clinical Center, Seversk, Russia


Frequency of functional constipation, which is a clinical sign of irritable bowel syndrome, is very high among youngpeople and requires timely measures aimed for relieve and prevention of progression of these disorders. Insufficient treatmenteffect in this patient category underlines the need for developing new approaches of rehabilitation. Combined useof amplipulse therapy and extremely high-frequency therapy strengthens the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions.

KEYWORDS: constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, amplipulse therapy, extremely high-frequency therapy.


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