Issue №1-20, 2020

Characteristics of sertoli cells regeneration in primary preventive and therapeutic action of low-intensity electromagnetic field in radiation conditions (experimental study)

1 Korolev Y. N., 1 Nikulina L. A., 1 Mikhailik L. V.

1 National medical research center for rehabilitation and balneology of the Ministry of health of Russia, Moscow, Russia


In experiments on nonlinear male rats using transmission electron microscopy it was found that the low-intensity electromagneticfield (EMF) of ultrahigh frequency (microwave) and the magnetic field (MP) of low frequency (LF) used in preventionand treatment modes have a stimulating effect on the processes of intracellular regeneration in Sertoli cells underradiation conditions. Their greatest effect was observed under the action of EMR microwave, which was manifested in adaptiverearrangements development of mitochondria and protein-synthesizing organelles content increase.

KEYWORDS: intracellular regeneration, low-intensity electromagnetic fields, Sertoli cells, radiation, rats.


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This is an open article under the CC BY 4.0 license. Published by the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology.