Issue №1-20, 2020

Current state and development trends of the sanatorium-resort complex of the central federal district

1 Limonov V. I.

1 National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia


You can’t overestimate the importance of medical care in sanatorium-resort complex, that have been proved by manyyears of clinical researches initiated in Russia and other countries. Like most federal districts of Russia, Central Federal District(CFD) is rich for natural resort factors: substantial reserves of mineral water and medical clays, wonderful climate, combinedwith a modern medical facilities, bring Central Federal District to one of the leading places in the country referring to naturalhealing factors usage in the system of sanatorium-resort care of population.

KEYWORDS: sanatorium-resort complex, sanatorium-resort organization (health resort), natural healing resources, mineral waters, healing mud, climate, landscape.


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