Issue №2-20, 2020

Features of electromyographc changes in patients with upper limb lesions during various exercise types performance

1 Vakhitov B.I., 1 Raginov I.S., 1 Vakhitov I.H., 2 Bodrova R.A., 1 Izosimova A.V.

1 Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation
2 Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education, Moscow, Russian Federation


For the first time in clinical conditions a study was carried out for estimation of average amplitude (AA-EMG) and frequencyof oscillations repetitions parameters during dynamic and static exercises performance. We found that in healthy individualsEMG amplitude depends on the character of physical exercises performed. The largest EMG amplitude was registered whenperforming static exercises. It was found that in acute stroke patients, while performing flexion and extension of fingers,low-amplitude EMG activity was registered stretched for entire movement cycle without a clear peak of extremum. Whenperforming static exercises, the amplitude and frequency of EMG oscillations changed signifi cantly in a positive way.

KEYWORDS: Electromyography, sick and healthy patients, average EMG amplitude, frequency of oscillation repetition, dynamic and static exercises

For citation: Vakhitov B.I., Raginov I.S., Vakhitov I.H, Bodrova R.A., Izosimova A.V. Features of electromyographic changes in patients with upper limb lesions during various exercise types performance. Bulletin of rehabilitation medicine. 2020; 96 (2): 54-58.


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This is an open article under the CC BY 4.0 license. Published by the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology.

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