Issue №2-20, 2020

Modern treatment approaches in patients with false joints and lower extremities long bones defects: analytical review

1 Prokhorova E.S., 2 Urazgildeev R.Z., 3 Eremushkin M.A., 3 Kolyshenkov V.A.

1 Moscow Applied Research Center for Medical Rehabilitation and Restorative and Sports Medicine, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Central scientific-research Institute of traumatology and orthopedics named after N. N. Priorova, Moscow, Russian Federation
3 National Research Medical Center of Rehabilitation and Balneology, Moscow, Russian Federation


Research of effective treatment methods in patients with pseudoarthrosis and lower extremities long bones defectsremains today very relevant. In the structure of traumatological patients general disability it takes up to 33.1% ofcases. Surgical techniques are used, such as: intramedullary osteosynthesis, method of open reposition and bonefragments fi xation by metal structures, method of transcutaneous osteosynthesis. They are recognized as effectivetreatment methods in patients with pseudoarthrosis and lower extremities long bones defects, that greatly improvestreatment outcomes. Unfortunately, when they are used as single intervention, unsatisfactory therapy results occurin up to half of the cases. Concomitant structural and functional changes of the limb – such as regional bloodcirculation insufficiency, presence of extensive cicatrical soft tissues defects, changes in bone segment length, joints contractures, etc. – interferes bone consolidation and requires an application of additional treatment methods. Thus,the generally accepted treatment approach in patients with pseudoarthrosis and lower extremities long bones defectsis a combination of surgery, pharmacotherapy, methods of physical therapy and physiotherapy in order to optimize the processes of osteoregeneration in non-union area.

KEYWORDS: pseudoarthrosis, lower extremities long bones defects, intramedullary osteosynthesis, open reposition technique, transcutaneous osteosynthesis, stimulation of osteogenesis, non-union fracture, osteostimulating drugs

For citation: Prokhorova E.S., Urazgildeev R.Z., Eremushkin M.A., Kolyshenkov V.A. Modern treatment approaches in patients with false joints and lower extremities long bones defects: analytical review. Bulletin of rehabilitation medicine. 2020; 96 (2): 84-89.


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This is an open article under the CC BY 4.0 license. Published by the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology.

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