Issue №2-20, 2020

Shoulder pain syndrome in patients engaged in physical culture and sports: modern aspects of rehabilitation

1 Buylova T.V., 1 Balchugov V.A., 1 Severova E.A.

1 Nizhny Novgorod State University N.I. Lobachevsky, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation


The aim of the study was to estimate rehabilitation efficiency in the sportsmen and physical culture professionals with a shoulder pain syndrome. Materials and methods: 980 patients with a shoulder pain syndrome undergo rehabilitation treatment. The reasons of acute or chronic shoulder pain syndrome were: acute trauma (7% of cases) or chronic microtraumatization (93% of cases) of shoulder tissues during the physical culture activities and sport. Rotary cuff pathology was diagnosed in 88% of patients, long head of biceps pathology – in 5%, acromioclavicular joint pathology – in 4%, the subacromial bursitis in 2% of cases, damage of the glenoid labrum (Bankarta) in 1%. Clinical methods (including the quality of life questionnaire -DASH) and instrumental methods (USD and MRI) were used. The diff erentiated rehabilitation programs (with the use of modern physical therapy methods) were recommended considering features of shoulder pathology, a patients clinical condition and their physical (including sports) activity. Results: Excellent and good results were stated in 98% of patients with a shoulder pain syndrome. 2% of patients were directed for the surgical intervention (rotary cuff and glenoid labrum restoration). Compensation of a shoulder pain syndrome was stated in 82% of patients; in 16% of patients the pain syndrome had signifi cantly decreased. In 87% of patients function of the injured shoulder joint was restored, in 11% of patients – it signifi cantly improved. Strength of shoulder muscles and a humeroscapular rhythm were restored and the quality of life (according to the DASH questionnaire) improved in 98% of patients. Conclusion. Use of the diff erentiated programs of rehabilitation using modern physical techniques allows to receive excellent and good results in all patients with a shoulder pain syndrome involved physical culture and sport.

KEYWORDS: shoulder pain syndrome, rotary cuff of a shoulder, rehabilitation, modern physical therapy techniques, physical culture and sport professionals

For citation: Buylova T.V., Balchugov V.A., Severova E.A. Shoulder pain syndrome in patients engaged in physical culture and sports: modern aspects of rehabilitation. Bulletin of rehabilitation medicine. 2020; 96 (2): 24-28.


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