Issue №3-20, 2020

Usage of wheat germ functional products in patients with chronic gastroduodenitis and duodenal ulcers alimentary support at the sanatorium resort treatment stage (literature review)

1,2 Sergeev V.N., 1 Musayeva O.M., 2 Dydykin A.S.

1 National Medical Research Center of Rehabilitation and Balneology, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Federal scientific center for Food systems named after V.M. Gorbatova, Moscow, Russian Federation


The article deals with the prevalence of chronic gastroduodenitis and duodenal ulcers among population. Special relevanceof this problem for adolescents and young people of employment age is shown. Risk factors and pathogeneticmechanisms of this diseases development are highlighted, and the main clinical distinctive signs in this patients’ groupare indicated: pain, dyspeptic and psychoautonomic syndromes. The evidences is given concerning advantage of specializedfunctional food products and food additives in therapeutic and prophylactic diets of patients with chronic gastroduodenitisand duodenal ulcers, which might be considered as etiopathogenetic treatment method for this patients’group with significant clinical effects, while pharmacotherapy can be regarded only as a symptomatic treatment. Hightherapeutic efficiency of wheat gems oil and flour inclusion in the diets of this patients’ group is shown.

KEYWORDS: gastrointestinal tract, chronic gastroduodenitis, duodenal ulcer, pharmacotherapy, functional therapy, specialized food products and food additives, wheat germ oil and flour.

For citation: Sergeev V.N., Musayeva O.M., Dydykin A.S. Usage of wheat germ functional products in patients with chronic gastroduodenitis and duodenal ulcers alimentary support at the sanatorium resort treatment stage. (literature review). Bulletin of rehabilitation medicine. 2020; 97 (3): 143-152.


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