Issue №3-20, 2020

Medical rehabilitation for coronavirus infection: new challenges for physical and rehabilitation medicine in Russia

1,2 Shmonin A.A., 1,2 Maltseva M.N., 1,2 Melnikova E.V., 4 Mishina I.E., 3 Ivanova G.E.

1 Pavlov First Saint-Petersburg State Medical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
1 N.A. Bernshtein Research Institute of Rehabilitation, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
1 N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation
1 Ivanovo State Medical Academy, Ivanovo, Russian Federation


Coronavirus infection causes lung damage and leads to the development of disabling conditions. The development of theCovid-19 pandemic leads to a one-stage increase in the number of patients who need assistance not only from infectiousdisease specialists and intensive care specialists, but also from rehabilitation specialists. However, patients suffering fromother non-infectious conditions need rehabilitation despite the pandemic. Thus, rehabilitation specialists are faced withnew tasks to organize rehabilitation in the epidemic for both patients with Covid-19 and patients at high risk of infection,but without coronavirus infection, to develop specific programs for pulmonary rehabilitation, data collection on thenature of disability, organization of outpatient programs and telerehabilitation.

KEYWORDS: coronavirus infection, Covid-19, pneumonia, physical and rehabilitation medicine, medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation program, telerehabilitation.

For citation: Shmonin A.A., Maltseva M.N., Melnikova E.V., Mishina I.E., Ivanova G.E. Medical rehabilitation for coronavirus infection: new challenges for physical and rehabilitation medicine in Russia. Bulletin of rehabilitation medicine. 2020; 97 (3): 14-21.


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