Issue 3-20, 2020

Readiness of patients after acute coronary syndrome and coronary revascularization to participate in cardiorehabilitation programs

1 Gudukhin A.A., 1 Samoylov A.S., 2 Khodyakova E.P., 3 Prikhodko E.P., 1 Kornilov L.Y., 2 Chuprina S.E.

1 Ivanovo State Medical Academy, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
2 Voronezh regional clinical hospital №1, Voronezh, Russian Federation
3 Clinical cardiology dispensary, Omsk, Russian Federation


Rehabilitation measures lead to an increase in the duration and quality of life of patients. The current trend towardsintensification of the treatment process, early discharge of patients from hospital, as well as the duration of cardiorehabilitation programs, raises the question about the place of their implementation. The purpose of this work was to assessthe readiness of patients who have undergone acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and coronary revascularization to undergorehabilitation programs, including the use of remote technologies. The study was multicenter, conducted in hospitals ofIvanovo, Voronezh and Omsk, using a single original questionnaire agreed by the researchers. 232 patients were examined,including 124 patients with myocardial infarction, 59 patients with unstable stenocardia and 49 patients who underwentcoronary revascularization. The results of the study indicate that the majority of patients who have undergone acute coronarysyndrome and coronary revascularization are ready to undergo cardio rehabilitation programs, but, as a rule, in hospital or sanatorium environments. Only half of the interviewed patients have access to the Internet and know how to use it, and only15% of the respondents are ready to undergo rehabilitation remotely. Remote ways of communicating with patients andmonitoring the implementation of rehabilitation programs require both improving the ways of their technical support andraising awareness and training of patients to work with mobile devices and registrars.

KEYWORDS: acute coronary syndrome, myocardial revascularization, cardiorehabilitation, remote patient monitoring.

FOR CITATION: Gudukhin A.A., Samoylov A.S., Khodyakova E.P., Prikhodko E.P., Kornilov L.Y., Chuprina S.E. Readiness of patients after acute coronary syndrome and coronary revascularization to participate in cardiorehabilitation programs. Bulletin of rehabilitation medicine. 2020; 97 (3): 40-44.


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