Issue №3-20, 2020

Statementtype in complex rehabilitati on and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disorders in patients with coronary heart disease

1 Knjazeva T.A., 2 Badtieva V.A., 1 Nikiforova T.I.

1 National Medical Research Center of Rehabilitation and Balneology, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Moscow scientific and practical center for medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation and sports medicine, Moscow


The single-center randomized comparative study on revealing the clinical efficacy of the complex method of rehabilitationand secondary prevention of cardiovascular disorders in patients with ischemic heart disease with the inclusion of physicaltraining with the use of stabilometric complex with biofeedback (stabilo-training), general iodine-bromine baths and infraredlaser therapy in patients with ischemic heart disease in the remote period after surgical revascularization of myocardium.Observation was made in 60 patients with ischemic heart disease, in remote, not earlier than one year, terms after surgicalrevascularization of myocardium. Patients were divided into 2 groups by simple randomization method. Group 1, the maingroup consisted of 30 patients who received a complex rehabilitation method with the inclusion of stabilizing training,general iodine-bromine baths and infrared laser therapy; group 2, the comparison included 30 patients who received arehabilitation course with the inclusion of general iodine-bromine baths and infrared laser therapy only.Cardiovascular disorders (CVD) were evaluated using electrocardiography (ECG) in standard leads, echocardiography (ECG),daily ECG monitoring with assessment of cardiac rhythm variability, veloergometry (VEM), stabilometry and a 6-pointrating scale and psychological testing with the help of HAM and Spielberg tests. The study results were processed usingthe Statistica 8 for Windows application package. Preliminary calculation of sample power showed a sufficient numberof patients in groups of 30 people. Calculation of statistical reliability of the results was performed by the Student-Fishercriterion. The differences between the two mean values were considered reliable at p<0.05.Under the influence of the complex with inclusion of statokinesoterapy in patients with IHD of the main group in comparisonwith the comparison group, more expressed antianginal and antiarrhythmic effects, increase of tolerance of physical activity,physical efficiency were noted. Positive ECG dynamics, increased cardiac output fraction, improved mood and sleep werenoted. Positive dynamics of SSN in 85% of patients of the main group and in 65% of the comparison group was accompaniedby increased stability in the vertical posture, decreased walking precariousness, improved coordination and equilibrium,decreased indices of the pressure center deviation (CD) in frontal and sagittal directions.The average rate of displacement of CD and the total area of the statokinesiogram decreased only in the main group ofpatients, in the comparison group the stated indices of stabilometry remained without dynamics. The total dynamics indexof symptom severity decreased by 11±0.03 points in the main group of patients and by 6.7±0.01 points in the comparisongroup. The revealed positive clinical effects in patients with IHD in the distant period after surgical revascularization ofmyocardium, a complex method with inclusion of stabilokinesotherapy, allows to recommend this method of sensomotorphysical training in complex rehabilitation programs with the purpose of SSN correction, prevention of development ofacute coronary syndrome and heart insufficiency.

KEYWORDS: statokinesotherapy, iodine-bromine baths, laser therapy, coronary heart disease, cardiovascular disorders.

For citation: Knjazeva T.A., Badtieva V.A., Nikiforova T.I. Statementtype in complex rehabilitation and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disorders in patients with coronary heart disease. Bulletin of rehabilitation medicine. 2020; 97 (3): 57-64.


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