Issue №4-98, 2020

Review article

Peloidotherapy in Pediatric Practice in the Conditions of a Ballogray Resort

1 ORCIDPoberskaya V.A., 2,3 ORCIDLyan N.A.

1 Sanatorium «Petrel» Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Evpatoria, Russian Federation
2 Moscow Scientific Practical Center of Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative and Sports Medicine of the Department of Healthcare, Moscow, Russian Federation
3 I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation


Introduction. Currently, sulfide silt mud of Lake Saka has been widely used in both adult and pediatric practice, which hasa positive effect in the treatment of various diseases. The effectiveness of peloidotherapy in the rehabilitation treatmentof children with a number of chronic and disabling diseases has been established.The purpose of the review is to summarize and analyze the accumulated experience of applying peloidotherapy in childrenwith various diseases.Introduction. Currently, sulfide silt mud of Lake Saka has been widely used in both adult and pediatric practice, which hasa positive effect in the treatment of various diseases. The effectiveness of peloidotherapy in the rehabilitation treatmentof children with a number of chronic and disabling diseases has been established.The purpose of the review is to summarize and analyze the accumulated experience of applying peloidotherapy in childrenwith various diseases.

KEYWORDS: peloidotherapy, balneo-mud health resort, spa treatment, children

For citation: Poberskaya V.A., Lyan N.A. Peloidotherapy in Pediatric Practice in the Conditions of a Ballogray Resort. Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2020; 4 (98): 77–81.


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This is an open article under the CC BY 4.0 license. Published by the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology.