Issue №4-98, 2020

Original article

Influence the Baths of Bishophite on Indicators of Protein S100B in Blood in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders

1 ORCIDGolubova T.F., 2 ORCIDTsukurova L.A., 1 ORCIDNuvoli A.V., 1 ORCIDVlasenko S.V., 3 ORCIDSavchuk E.A.

1 Scientific Research Institute of Children’s Balneology, Physiotherapy and Medical Rehabilitation, Yevpatoria, Russian Federation
2 Kubansky Medical Institute, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
3 V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Russian Federation


The aim of the study was to study the effect of bishovite baths on the dynamics of plasma S100B protein in children withautism spectrum disorders (ASD).Material and methods. 45 children with autism (F84) aged from 6 to 15 years were examined – general croup (GG). The controlgroup (KG) consisted of 25 healthy children. I group – 22 children who received the health research therapy (HRT); II group – 23children who received a course of the baths with bishophite. The examination included examination by specialists, an assessmentof the severity of the disease using the CARS scale (Children’s Rating Scale of Autism), evaluation in blood serum of protein S100B.Results. The content of S100B in children with autism was significantly higher in comparison with KG. The level of S100B inchildren with ASD with abnormal development of brain structures (MRI) was significantly higher in comparison with KG andwith a group of children without signs of violation of brain structures. With hard ASD the S100B indicators were higher, andat medium severity did not differ significantly from the KG. After the treatment only in the II group, there was a significantdecrease in S100B in GG in children with abnormalities in the development of the brain and with severe severity.Conclusions. The majority of children with ASD with anomalies of brain structures, there are signs of hypoxia of the brainand violation of the blood-brain barrier. A positive effect of bischophite baths was revealed in children with ASD, havingantioxidant, antitoxic, and neuroprotective effects.

KEYWORDS: autism, children, CARS (Children’s Rating Scale of Autism), S100B protein, violation of the blood-brain barrier, bath with bishophite, the health research therapy

For citation: Golubova T.F., Tsukurova L.A., Nuvoli A.V., Vlasenko S.V., Savchuk E.A. Influence the Baths of Bishophite on Indicators of Protein S100B in Blood in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2020; 4 (98): 48–54.


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This is an open article under the CC BY 4.0 license. Published by the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology.

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