Issue №20-2, 2021

Original article

Aspects of Complex Physical Therapy in Rehabilitation of Patients with Non-Specific Back Pain

1 ORCIDGalina N. Zadorina-Negoda, 1 ORCIDEvgeny E. Achkasov

1 Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation


Back pain is one of the most common problems encountered by doctors of various specialties-from pediatricians and internists to sports doctors who work with professional athletes. Neck and back pain can occur regardless of age and fitness level.

Aim. Creation of the optimal rehabilitation algorithm for the treatment of patients with back pain.

Material and methods. 249 patients with confirmed nonspecific back pain were examined, who were divided into five groups for rehabilitation using various methods: physiotherapy exercises, mechanotherapy, K. Lewit manual therapy, postural training, divided into subgroups depending on the phasic and tonic muscles functional state and a group of complex rehabilitation. All patients were examined according to the diagnostic, rehabilitation and diagnostic algorithm developed by the authors with multilevel functional muscle testing. Subsequently, the analysis of the effectiveness of the proposed methods was carried out depending on the musculoskeletal system state.

Result. A rehabilitation algorithm has been developed, with the help of which a personalized rehabilitation program is formed depending on the individual characteristics identified during the diagnostic examination. The main causes of nonspecific back pain were identified and methods for their correction were developed.

Conclusion. The use of the proposed rehabilitation and diagnostic algorithm simplifies the identification of the causes of pain and allows you to choose the most effective rehabilitation technique.

KEYWORDS: back pain, rehabilitation, rehabilitation treatment, mechanotherapy, assessment of phasic and tonic muscles, mechanotherapy, block type simulators, postural training, equipment with unstable support, sling equipment, Swiss ball, balancing pillow, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF- therapy), kinesiotherapy, soft manual therapy

Acknowledgments: The study had no sponsorship

Conflict of interest:: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article

For citation: Zadorina-Negoda G.N., Achkasov E.E. Aspects of Complex Physical Therapy in Rehabilitation of Patients with Non-Specific Back Pain. Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2021; 20 (2): 94-103.

For correspondence: Galina N. Zadorina-Negoda, e-mail:


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This is an open article under the CC BY 4.0 license. Published by the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology.

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