Issue №20-2, 2021

Original article

Application of David Spine Concept Equipment in Rehabilitation of Patients with the Cervical Spine Spondiloarthrosis

1 ORCIDEkaterina I. Chesnikova, 1 ORCIDEkaterina M. Savelieva, 2 Sofya V. Vakulenko, 1 ORCIDMikhail A. Eremushkin, 1 ORCIDMaxim Y. Yakovlev, 3 Larisa I. Dumenko

1 National Medical Research Center of Rehabilitation and Balneology, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Kaluga Region State Budget-Funded Healthcare Institution, Kaluga, Russian Federation
3 HUR LLC, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation


AIM. To substantiate the application of the methodology for the rehabilitation of patients with spondyloarthrosis of the cervical spine, which consists of 8 trainings on the David 140 Cervical Extension, Lateral Flexion Device and 160 Cervical Rotation Device.

MATERIAL AND METHODS. The study involved 24 patients. Completed cases – 21. During the training, the range of motion in the cervical spine and the strength characteristics of the extensor muscles, lateral flexors and the cervical spine rotators were assessed.

RESULTS. All studied patients noted a positive effect after undergoing a rehabilitation course on the David 140 and 160 devices. The effectiveness of the developed training methodology was assessed using functional motor tests.

CONCLUSION. The results obtained allow to conclude that David devices training for 8 days has a positive effect in rehabilitation measures to improve the quality of patients’ life. It is worthwhile continuing to explore the eight-day training program and assess the frequency and timing of regression. It is very important to evaluate the preservation of the achieved positive effect both during further training of patients at the outpatient stage or independent regular exercises, and without training in the post-rehabilitation period when returning to the patient’s usual lifestyle.

KEYWORDS: spondyloarthrosis of the cervical spine, training with biofeedback, training equipment

Acknowledgments: The study had no sponsorship

Conflict of interest:: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article

For citation: Chesnikova E.I., Savelieva E.M., Vakulenko S.V., Eremushkin M.A., Yakovlev М.Y. Dumenko L.I. Application of David Spine Concept Equipment in Rehabilitation of Patients with the Cervical Spine Spondiloarthrosis. Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2021; 20 (2): 42-48.

For correspondence: Ekaterina I. Chesnikova, e-mail:


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This is an open article under the CC BY 4.0 license. Published by the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology.

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