Issue №20-4, 2021

Original article

Usage of the GMFM-88 Scale for the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Short-term Intensive Rehabilitation of Children with Motor Disorders

1 Anna Yu. Litus, 1 Gennadiy P. Feskov

1 Center of Medical Technology and Rehabilitation, Saint-Peterburg, Russian Federation


AIM. To explore the possibility of using the GMFM-88 scale for the evaluation of the effectiveness of short-term (21 days) intensiverehabilitation of children with motor impairment.

MATERIAL AND METHODS. The study included a combination of statistical and analytical methods. 83 children with cerebral palsy underwentintensive physical rehabilitation at the Centre of Medical Technology and Rehabilitation (CMTR. The level of the children’sfunctioning was assessed in accordance with the Gross Motor Function Classification System (hereinafter GMFCS). The GMFM-88 scalehas been employed for the planning of the intervention and the assessment of rehabilitation effectiveness.

RESULTS. Statistical analysis of the average values on GMFM-88, before and after rehabilitation and according to the Student t-criterion,shows significant changes in functioning after rehabilitation (t = -6.493, significance level less than 0.0001). This suggests the possibility of using the scale as a tool for assessing short-term interventions. At the same time, the use of this scale justifies the assumptionabout the effectiveness of short-term intensive rehabilitation in the form of significant improvements in the functional capabilities ofchildren with motor disorders.

CONCLUSION. The use of the standardized GMFM-88 scale in this study confirms our assumption regarding the need for periodic, intensiverehabilitation for children with movement disorders. An integrated approach to the detailed assessment of the current state ofthe child makes it possible more accurately identify current problems, determine the nearest development zones, and, consequently,identify the goals and objectives for the rehabilitation period.

KEYWORDS: motor development, rehabilitation efficiency, gross motor function measure (GMFM-88), physical rehabilitation, cerebral palsy, postural correction, postural management, intensive rehabilitation, interdisciplinary approach, physical therapy

Acknowledgments: The study had no sponsorship

Conflict of interest:: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article

For citation: Litus A.Yu, Feskov G.P. Usage of the GMFM-88 Scale for the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Short-term Intensive Rehabilitation of Children with Motor Disorders. Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2021; 20 (4): 90-98.

For correspondence: Gennadiy P. Feskov, e-mail:


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This is an open article under the CC BY 4.0 license. Published by the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology.

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