Issue 1-21, 2022

Original article

Experience of Rhythmic Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation Application in the Treatment of Pareses of Various Etiologies at the Foot Level and the Objectiveness of Assessing the Dynamics of Motor Disorders. Literature Review

1 ORCIDAlexey V. Kuzyuberdin, 1 ORCIDSergey M. Karpov, 1 ORCIDAnton A. Shatokhin, 1 ORCIDIrina A. Vyshlova, 1 ORCIDAnastasia I. Raevskaya

1 Stavropol State Medical University, Stavropol, Russian Federation


The aim of this work is to study the current issue state of using rhythmic peripheral magnetic stimulation (rPMS) in the rehabilitation ofpatients with paresis of the lower extremities with lower lumbar radiculopathy. The article presents information on the use of rPMS inthe rehabilitation of patients with motor impairments in various diseases. The world experience of the eff ectiveness and reliability ofthe technique application in patients with various motor disorders has been analyzed. It is clarifi ed that this direction in the domesticand foreign literature is represented by few works, and the rehabilitation of patients with paresis of the foot after discectomy at thelower lumbar level is insuffi ciently expanded on a topic.Conclusion. Our literature analysis shows a good clinical eff ect of using low-frequency stimulation in the treatment of motor disorders,which turned out to be identical to that obtained by a number of authors who used low-frequency rTMS in similar studies. The issue ofusing the rPMS method in the rehabilitation of patients with paresis of the lower extremities remains relevant and promising.

KEYWORDS: lumbar osteochondrosis, rhythmic peripheral magnetic stimulation, rPMS, herniated disc, lower lumbar radiculopathy

FOR CITATION: Kuzyuberdin A.V., Karpov S.M., Shatokhin A.A., Vyshlova I.A., Raevskaya A.I. Experience of Rhythmic Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation Application in the Treatment of Pareses of Various Etiologies at the Foot Level and the Objectiveness of Assessing the Dynamics of Motor Disorders. Literature Review. Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2022; 21 (1):70-78.


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This is an open article under the CC BY 4.0 license. Published by the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology.