Issue №5-22, 2023

Original article

Efficacy of Physical Rehabilitation of Patients in the Early Period of Ischemic Stroke Using Stabiloplatform and Balancing Platforms

1 ORCIDElena V. Kaerova, 1 ORCIDOlga V. Shakirova, 1 ORCIDNatalya S. Zhuravskaya, 1 ORCIDNina V. Kozyavina

1 Pacific State Medical University, Vladivostok, Russia
2 Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia


AIM. The aim of the study was to develop a comprehensive physical rehabilitation program based on the use of stabiloplatform and balancing platforms and to assess the effectiveness of its use in patients in the early period of ischemic stroke at the inpatient stage.
MATERIALS AND METHODS. The study was conducted on the basis of the Department of Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Medical Complex of the Far Eastern Federal University. Depending on the physical rehabilitation program, three groups were formed by random sampling, comparable in gender, age, presence of risk factors for ischemic stroke, severity of patients. All three groups received drug therapy, neurorehabilitation and physical rehabilitation. The EG1 included patients who were given therapeutic gymnastics classes using balancing platforms. Patients of the EG2 also conducted therapeutic gymnastics classes using balancing platforms and additional training sessions on the stabiloplatform of the ST-150 (Mera-TSP LLC, Russia) with biological feedback. The CG included patients who were engaged in therapeutic physical education under a program provided for neurological patients, which has a general strengthening effect, contributing to the restoration and improvement of self-care skills, balance and movement functions.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Despite advances in medical practice, the task of eliminating the consequences of a stroke remains unresolved. Disability after a stroke is a large percentage, and the search for new technologies to solve the problem of restoring lost body functions, improving the quality of life, returning to normal work is especially significant today. Before the start of comprehensive physical rehabilitation, when analyzing the results of the primary study of patients who had a stroke, according to various tests, movement disorders, imbalances, postural balance were observed. All patients had self-care and mobility problems and needed outside help, all had reduced quality of life scores. The results of the final (after completion of the physical rehabilitation course) testing of maintaining vertical posture and balance, mobility, balance, restoration of social independence and quality of life of stroke patients made it possible to prove the effectiveness of the treatment gymnastics complex using unstable balancing platforms and training on stabiloplatform.
CONCLUSION. The developed comprehensive physical rehabilitation program using unstable balancing platforms and training on stabiloplatform to a greater extent than the traditional therapeutic physical culture program provided for neurological patients contributed to increasing the degree of independence, self-care and mobility in everyday life, reducing the level of personal and situational anxiety, improving the psycho-emotional status of patients.

KEYWORDS: force plate, stabilometric platform, physical rehabilitation, stroke patients

Acknowledgments: The study had no sponsorship.

Conflict of interest:: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

For citation: Kaerova E.V., Shakirova O.V., Zhuravskaya N.S., Kozyavina N.V. Efficacy of Physical Rehabilitation of Patients in the Early Period of Ischemic Stroke Using Stabiloplatform and Balancing Platforms. Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2023; 22(5): 66-71. 

For correspondence: Olga V. Shakirova, E-mail:

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