Issue №1-83, 2018

Role of Mitochondria in Preventive, Restorative and Sports Medicine

1 Shenderov B.A.

1 Moscow Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology after G.N.Gabrischevsky, Moscow, Russia


Cells of adult human contain up to 1016 mitochondria, which play a fundamental role in the generation of 90% of cellularenergy (ATP) through the transformation of energy substrates in the presence of oxygen. Simultaneously, the mitochondriaproduce various destructive oxidative radicals and actively involved in the metabolism of calcium, in the implementation ofthe cells' tolerance to different stress agents, in the proliferation and apoptosis of cells, initiate inflammation, in the synthesis,intra- and intercellular transfer of signal information and in many other functions. Mitochondrial proteins are encoded bygenes localized both in nuclear and in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). The variety of effects produced by mitochondria haveserved as the basis to consider mitobiota and “microbiota” as a united whole functional structure that regulates homeostasisof the host organism via bioenergy, epigenetic, metabolic, endocrine, immune and neuro-humoral communication.Violations of the number, ultrastructural changes, genetic integrity, of mitochondria and disorder of their homeostasis areassociated with many metabolic diseases and accelerated aging. To prevent and treatment mitochondria-associated disturbancesand diseases many functional foods, diets and molecular techniques have been suggested.

KEYWORDS: mitochondria, genetics, epigenetics, mitochondrial functions, mitochondrial medicine, diet, functional nutrients, molecular correction, artificial transfer of mitochondria


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