Issue №3-20, 2020

Acute coronary syndrome in employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs . Inpatient stage of treatment and medical rehabilitation

1,2 Zolotukhin N.N.

1 Main clinical hospital of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Moscow State University of Food Production, Moscow, Russian Federation


The aim of the study: to analyze the ratio of acute myocardial infarction and unstable angina, the stages of medicalrehabilitation in the structure of acute coronary syndrome in employees and senior citizens of the Ministry of Internal Affairsduring treatment and medical rehabilitation.Materials and methods: The study examined 805 patients with ACS for the period 2012-2018, of which 227 were employeesof the Ministry of Internal Affairs. All patients underwent a complete diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome in accordancewith the standards of examination and treatment. With clinical validity, in some cases, coronary angiography and stentingof the coronary bed were performed.Results: The number of cases of hospitalization with ACS of employees and pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairswith ACS in 2012-2018. It was distributed as follows: in 2012 – 144, 2013 – 114, in 2014 – 158 and in 2015 – 135, 2016 – 147,2017 – 66 and in 2018 – 41, respectively. The maximum frequency of hospitalizations with ACS among employees of theMinistry of Internal Affairs was recorded in 2014 – 91. The largest number of hospitalizations with ACS from 2012 to 2018inclusively occurred among pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs – 578 and 227 ACS among employees of the Ministryof Internal Affairs, respectively. At the same time, out of the total number of patients with ACS, 805-604 (75%) underwentMR stage I, 201 (25%) were transferred to stage II MR in the Pakhra branch of the SCG, Thus, with AMI and NS, employees andpensioners In 25% of clinical cases, the Ministry of Internal Affairs requires stage II MR.Conclusion: With the development of ACS, AMI prevails among the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, NS ismore often diagnosed among pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the treatment and rehabilitation of AMI,employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs less than half the cases, namely up to 38%, require transfer to a rehabilitationcenter as part of one hospitalization, which is an optimizing element in the stage medical rehabilitation of employees of theMinistry of Internal Affairs who underwent ACS. At the same time, a comprehensive program consisting of exercise therapy:therapeutic exercises for patients with coronary heart disease, breathing exercises, physiotherapy: sinusoidal modulatedcurrents according to the standard method (pulse frequency: 80-100 Hz) In alternation with balneotherapy, is effective atthe rehabilitation stage.

KEYWORDS: acute coronary syndrome, acute myocardial infarction, unstable angina, coronary angiography, medical rehabilitation, persons of dangerous professions.

For citation: Zolotukhin N.N. Acute coronary syndrome in employees of the Ministry оf Internal Affairs. Inpatient stage of treatment and medical rehabilitation. Bulletin of rehabilitation medicine. 2020; 97 (3): 50-56.


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