Issue 4-98, 2020
Original article
Physiotherapy Complex for the Treatment of Children with Somatoform Dysfunction, Often Suffering from Recurrent Infection
1 Kulikova N.G., 2 Volkova I.V., 1 Tkachenko A.S.
1 People’s Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Moscow Children’s Municipal Outpatient’s Clinic 86, Moscow, Russian Federation
The aim. To optimize the treatment of children with ADHD who often suffer from recurrent infections by justifying theeffectiveness of a therapeutic and physiotherapy complex that includes a BOS-bioacoustic effect on the head area andNILI on the projection of the cubital area and thymus.Method of research. In children (140 people) with a verified diagnosis of ADHD, often suffering from recurrent infection,humoral-cellular immunity indicators (immunoglobulins: IgA; IgG; IgM); T-and B-lymphocytes; cytokines) were studiedin the dynamics of the use of therapeutic measures. Depending on the applied physiotherapy method of treatment, thechildren were divided into 3 groups: the 1st group-received NILI on the projection of the cubital area and thymus, the2nd – received BOS-bioacoustic effect on the head area, the 3rd – developed physiotherapy complex, including BOS-bioacousticeffect on the head area and NILI on the projection of the cubital area and thymus.Conclusion. The developed physiotherapy complex, including BOS–bioacoustic effect on the head area and NILI on theprojection of the cubital area and thymus, can be considered as a therapeutic and preventive model of respiratory viralattacks in children with SSDVNS, since it reduces the number of recurrent viral attacks by 3.7 times, correcting the activityof circulating cytokines, T-lymphocytes (CD3+), T-helpers (CD4+) and T-suppressors (CD8+) in the population white bloodcells.
KEYWORDS: children 7–12 years old, somatoform vegetative dysfunction, physiotherapy complex, recurrent infection, frequently ill children (CBD), laser therapy, bioacoustic treatment complex BOS-BAC
FOR CITATION: Kulikova N.G., Volkova I.V., Tkachenko A.S. Physiotherapy Complex for the treatment of Children with Somatoform Dysfunction, Often Suffering from Recurrent Infection. Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2020; 4 (98): 140–148.
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