Issue №6-22, 2023

Original article

Improvement of Functional State of Patients after Spinal Cord Injury During Epidural Electrical Stimulation: Prospective Study

1 ORCID Elena N. Shchurova,  1 ORCIDOxana G. Prudnikova, 1 ORCIDAnastasiia A. Kachesova 1 ORCIDMarat S. Saifutdinov, 1 ORCIDMarina S. Tertyshnaya

1 National Medical Research Center for Traumatology and Orthopedics named after academician G.A. Ilizarov


AIM. To evaluate the effect of complex rehabilitation using EPS and activation of the proprioceptive apparatus on the indicators of the functional state of patients with long-term consequences of spinal cord injury with partial spinal cord injury.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. A prospective study was conducted with the participation of 29 patients with long-term consequences of spinal cord injury with partial spinal cord injury. The catamnesis of the disease was 3.7 ± 0.5 years. Comprehensive rehabilitation included epidural electrical stimulation by implantable electrode and activation of the proprioceptive apparatus. The neurological (ASIA scale) and functional (CSIM III scale) status of the patient was analyzed. Motor function was evaluated using 10-meter Walk test; M-responses of limb muscles — using electromyography, temperature and pain sensitivity — using esthesiometry.

RESULTS. An increase in muscle strength and M-response of the muscles of the extremities, normalization of the motor deficit index, reduction of the walking test time, increase in movement speed and the patient’s independence index were revealed. There is an improvement in temperature and pain sensitivity at the level of damage and in the dermatomes located distally. The effect decreases in dermatomes far from the level of the electrode installation; but with increase in the number of courses the effect increases.

DISCUSSION. The results obtained indicate that this rehabilitation complex, including UES, has a positive effect on the functioning of both the motor and sensitive spheres.

CONCLUSION. Application of EES and activation of the proprioceptive apparatus improves the functional condition of sensorimotor sphere in the long-term consequences of spinal cord injury with partial spinal cord damage. Repeated rehabilitation courses have cumulative effect.

KEYWORDS: long-term consequences of spinal cord injury, traumatic disease of the spinal cord, functional condition, temporary epidural electrical stimulation, activation of the proprioceptive apparatus

Acknowledgments: The study had no sponsorship.

Conflict of interest:: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

For citation: Shchurova E.N., Prudnikova O.G., Kachesova A.A., Saifutdinov M.S., Tertyshnaya M.S. Improvement of Functional State of Patients after Spinal Cord Injury During Epidural Electrical Stimulation: Prospective Study. Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2023; 22(6):28-41. (In Russ.). 

Для корреспонденции: Elena N. Shchurova, E-mail:,

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