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The Journal accepts publications in Russian or English. A manuscript shall not be previously published in scholarly medical literature.

Before submitting the manuscript, authors are required to familiarize themselves with the Editorial policy of the Journal and follow it when preparing the manuscript, as they confirm in writing in the Cover letter.

The manuscript is sent through an electronic form on the siteThe submission should be accompanied with:

  1. A single complete file of the Manuscript in the WORD format including: which contains the title, authors' full names, abstract, keywords, text, figures, tables, obligatory section of additional information (for more details - see the section “Ethical Statements”), references. The file title should contain the surname of the first author and a short title of the article.

  2. Illustrations in high resolution as an archive in a single file (if available).

  3. Cover letter (in the WORD format) with information about the article: paper type and title, list of authors, information about affiliated organizations, corresponding and each author (including full name, position, ORCID, phone, e-mail, personal signature), data access statements, disclosures, authors' contributions, obtaining informed consent from patients, ethics committee approval of the study, study registration number, funding information, acknowledgments, etc. according to the data entry template .

  4. Printed scan copy of the Cover letter signed by all authors (as a single PDF file).

  5. ICMJE Disclosure Forms (download form) in WORD format. The form is to be filled in by each author separately (the Journal reserves the right to publish this document as an online supplement to the published article).

  6. Supplementary materials for online version (if available).

The editors necessarily check the submitted materials using the Antiplagiarism system, which is the market leader in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries in detecting text borrowings. When considering publications in the Journal double-blind peer review is adopted: the reviewers are unaware of the identity of the authors, and the authors are also unaware of the identity of the reviewers. At the next stage, the manuscript is expertized, and the final decision to publish the article is made at the meeting of the Editorial Board.

The Editorial Office's e-mail:


Expert consensus

Volume: up to 6,000 words.

This type of publication involves experts developing opinions, protocols and recommendations on diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation methods. There are several expert consensus technologies for this purpose. Among them, the Delphi method has proven itself and is more often used.

Recommended guidelines and examples:

  • AGREE Reporting Checklist 2016
  • A Reporting Tool for Practice Guidelines in Health Care: The RIGHT Statement
  • Example of Delphi expert consensus on aquatic rehabilitation

Systematic Review and Meta-analysis  >>

Review >>

Original article >>

Survey >>

Clinical Trial>>

Case Report / Series of Case Reports>>

Short communication>>

Letter to the Editor>>


Due to the fact that double-blind peer review is accepted in the Journal, in order to hide personal data about authors and organizations, personalized information is indicated in the Cover letter. The text of the manuscript indicates only the title and factual material, without information that can identify the authors of the article (including ethical and other statements that should be transferred from the submitted manuscript to the Cover letter).

A Cover letter is only accepted when using the cover letter form (download).

The Cover letter for the article includes:

  1. Article type;

  2. Manuscript title;

  3. Author(s)’ list;

  4. Author’s affiliation list;

  5. Information about each author (with indicating the corresponding author, see Cover letter for details);

  6. Declaration of potential conflict of interest;

  7. Authors’ contribution;

  8. Consent for publication;

  9. Ethics approval;

  10. Registration number of the protocol or study;

  11. Funding;

  12. Acknowledgements;

  13. Data access statement;

  14. Additional information;

  15. List of attached documents and files;

  16. Recommended reviewers. 


1. Acknowledgments

It is necessary to specify names, companies and organizations, refraining from insignificant ones, without specifying the contribution and without generalizations (for example, gratitude to your parents, organization, editorial board as a whole, without specifying this contribution or some anonymous reviewers of the journal). Acknowledgments to:

  • people who contributed to the research and writing of the article, but do not meet all the criteria for authorship (for example, they performed only literature analysis, visualization, or mathematical statistics);

  • people and organizations that supported, to one degree or another, the research and writing of the manuscript (for example, conducted additional genetic tests, provided unique equipment / reagents) or partially funded individual stages at the initiative of the authors.

It is important to indicate the exact name of the organization (with country).


Acknowledgments. The authors express their gratitude to: the Tabletki Rus company for providing reagents for gastroscopy; teachers of the Kuban State Medical University, Russia, associate professor Sidorov V.G. for histological analysis and junior researcher Petrov P.V. for statistical data analysis; prof. Ivanova Ch.K. (Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Filippov Moscow State University, Russia) for critical comments on the final version of the manuscript.

Acknowledgments. We thank the CHERUB cooperative and IciStem consortium for support and continuous discussion of results; staff members at University College London Hospitals NHS Trust, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, and Mortimer Market Centre; Nina Parmahand, Rebecca Matthews, Laura Waters, Helen Brown, Águeda Hernández Rodríguez, Victoria González Soler, and Belén Rivaya Sánchez (Microbiology Department of the Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Barcelona, Spain), and Dorien de Jong and Ninée Buchholtz (Translational Virology Group of the Department of Medical Microbiology of the UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands).

Authorship and Author contribution

It is necessary to reflect the degree of participation of each author in one or another stage of preparing the publication. At the same time, it should be remembered that according to the definition of authorship in the ICMJE recommendations, only one who SIMULTANEOUSLY meets all 4 criteria is considered an author:

  • significant contribution to the concept / design of the work or the acquisition, analysis / interpretation of research data;

  • drafting a manuscript or its critical analysis in terms of intellectual contribution and content;

  • final approval of the version for publication;

  • agreement to be responsible for all aspects of the article and to respond appropriately if questions arise regarding the accuracy and reliability of data and methods for any part of the article.

All contributors to the article who do not meet the ICMJE criteria should be acknowledged in the Acknowledgments section.

Given this definition of authorship by the ICMJE, the Journal encourages authors to indicate that all of them meet these criteria for contributions and, if possible, highlight the most significant contributions from each author.

The journal welcomes the detailing of each author's contribution, according to the international system CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy).


Author contribution: All authors confirm the compliance of their authorship, according to the international ICMJE criteria (all authors made a significant contribution to the development of the concept, research and preparation of the article, read and approved the final version before publication). Special contributions: Petrov P.P. - carried out additional statistical processing of the obtained results.

Authors contribution: All authors confirm the compliance of their authorship, according to international ICMJE criteria (all authors made a significant contribution to the development of the concept, research and preparation of the article, read and approved the final version before publication). Special contributions: Petrov PP performed statistical analysis of the results.

3. Funding 

A short list of EXTERNAL funding sources that were used to produce the results presented in the article, as well as the publication process itself (for example, a commercial organization, Foundation or government grant, etc.).

This section primarily refers to external funding or when the study was initiated from outside (not by the authors, but by sponsors). If the study was carried out within the programs and budgets of the affiliation of the authors, then this is not external funding.

  • This section should always be: (in the absence of external funding, it is important to indicate that there is no external funding).

  • If there is a grant, it is important to write the official name of the grant organization and indicate the grant number.

  • If a company (especially an instrumental or pharmaceutical company) has partially financed a separate stage, you need to detail which one, rather than limiting yourself to a general phrase.


Funding. This study was not supported by any external funding sources. The authors declare that there is no external funding for the study.

Funding. This study was produced with the sponsorship from Company “Fantasy” (Russia). The author retained freedom over the manuscript preparation and their decision to publish, according to the ethical and other Journal standards.

Funding. The study was supported by the Grant of the Government of Moscow No. 11703-7/22 (Russia). <

4. Disclosure (Information on Potential Conflict of Interest)

Clarification regarding any potential or actual conflict of interest of the authors: any association, financial relationship, financial or industry interests in the manuscript in whole or in part, including labor and other obligations that may lead to withholding or intentional misrepresentation of data or adversely affecting interpretation, are considered a conflict interests and must be clearly stated as such. Please note that conflicts of interest do not preclude publication.

The Editorial Board requires the disclosure of information about the PCI according to the standard ICMJE form, consisting of 13 points, see the version of the form. Scans of completed and signed forms by each individual author should be attached (in one combined file) to the Cover letter. Based on the results of the completed forms, the team of authors generates a final statement on the disclosure of the PCI. If none of the authors has a PCI, this should also be reported.


Disclosure. The authors declare the absence of obvious and potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

Disclosure. The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

Disclosure. RKG has received consultancy fees from ViiV Healthcare and Gilead Sciences, outside of the submitted work. JM-P holds institutional grants or has received educational or consultancy fees from AbiVax, AstraZeneca, Gilead Sciences, Grifols, Janssen, Merck, and ViiV Healthcare, outside of the submitted work. MN has received consultancy fees from Gilead Sciences, outside of the submitted work. AMJW reports grants paid to her institution from CLJI, Gilead Sciences, Janssen, Merck, and ViiV Healthcare, outside of the submitted work; financial support paid to her institution from Virology Education (conference organizer), outside of the submitted work; and non-financial support from ARK diagnostics, outside of the submitted work. EN has received grants from the National Institute for Health Research and GlaxoSmithKline. DP, ALH, CG, MS, MP, LEM, SAG, JT, AA, LEPH, PG, SGE, AJI, JF, and EO declare no competing interests.

5. Ethics approval (Information about the approval of the study by the local ethics committee)

  • Preferably a full clear indication of the ethics committee and the details of the approval document (number and date).

  • This section is mandatory if medical interventions deviate from the standard protocol.

  • This section is required, even if it is not significant. In the latter case, it is written: Not applicable. 

  • Usually, this section also indicates that the participants in the study (other than the authors) were informed about the study aims and methodology and provided a written consent to their participation (otherwise it can be assumed that they committed unethical manipulations).


Ethics approval. The authors declare that all procedures used in this article are in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutions that conducted the study and are consistent with the 2013 Declaration of Helsinki. The study was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of the Kuban State Medical University, Protocol No. 2 dated April 19, 2023.

Ethics  approval. The research protocol was approved by the local ethics committee of Ghent University Hospital (joint Ghent-Antwerp protocol 2012_593), the local ethical board for human experimentation of Policlinico di Bari (2770-27/2/19), the protocols of Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital Rome (1770/2019), and the ethical committee of UMC Utrecht (protocol 16-349). Approval for the use of 'blood products unsuitable for transfusion' was obtained with the Red Cross (CG20161219B).

6. Consent for publication (informed consent of the patient (his legal representatives) for publication)

Generally, this applies more often to clinical cases and is optional in other types of publications, but it is desirable to indicate that this is not applicable or required.

  • Informed consent information for publication of personally identifiable patient(s).

  • When publishing patient-related information (e.g., a case report), it is important to obtain different types of informed consent. One of the most important is for him or her (or his or her legal representatives, for example, in the case of a minor patient or coma patient) to release his or her medical information and images.

  • Only in particularly rare cases, when the legal representatives cannot be found or the case is extremely important to medical practice, is it possible to publish it, but to make it clear that there is no consent and to indicate that every effort has been made to obtain it.

  • The patient's consent usually states that his personal data will be anonymized, which should be done in the manuscript (e.g., part of the face is covered).

  • It is NOT necessary to provide informed consent to the editor.

  • If consent is not required, then indicate: Not required / Not required.


Informed consent to Publication. Written consent was obtained from patient for publication of the clinical case, results of examination and treatment of the patient in the medical journal, including its electronic version.

Informed Consent for Publication. Written consent was obtained from the patient for publication of relevant medical information and all of accompanying images within the article in the medical journal, including its electronic version.

An example of an Informed Consent Form signed by the patient.

7. Registration number of the study (protocol) in case of its inclusion in the registers

If available, the name of the register, number and date of publication are indicated. Also additionally information is placed between the summary and keywords. Example:

Source Data and Algorithm Access Statement. Data supporting the findings of this study are publicly available, identifier: NCT052702173; registered October 7, 2021.

8. Statement (declaration) on access to initial data and algorithms

This statement is not mandatory, but is welcomed by the Editorial Board, since it increases the evidence base and credibility of the article, guarantees early and increased citation (from 27% to 50%+).

As a rule, the statement on access to research data (its method) states the following:

  • whether anonymized data will be shared for all participants in the study;

  • what kind of data can be transferred;

  • whether additional supporting documents are available (e.g. study protocol, statistical analysis plan, etc.);

  • when the data will be available and for how long;

  • according to what criteria data can be requested and transmitted (including to whom, for what types of analysis and by what mechanism).

For a more detailed acquaintance with the Journal's policy regarding research data, their availability and reproducibility, we recommend that you refer to the Editorial Policies section of the journal.

If the author wishes to make their research data available, the Editorial Board recommends the following templates when completing this application.

  1. The data is publicly available in a public repository that provides DOI

    Data supporting the findings of this study is publicly available at [repository name, e.g. "figshare" at http:// or doi: or link number].
    The data supporting the findings of this study are in the public domain: Mendeley Data, V1,
  2. The data is available in the online appendices to the article.

    Data supporting the conclusions of this study are available online.


The text of the manuscript should include:

  1. Title;

  2. Structured Abstract (up to 300 words, in special cases up to 400 words after agreement with the Editorial team): introduction; aim; material and methods; results; conclusion(s);

  3. Keywords (3-10);

  4. Full text;

  5. Author for correspondence with a corporate E-mail address.

  6. Full text with obligatory division of sections into subheadings of two or three levels depending on the type of article;

  7. Additional information (authors' data, ethical statements);

  8. List of cited literature (references are given in the order of mention in the text);

  9. Tables (if available), in text format, with an informative title and a transcript of all columns / rows; they are placed right after paragraphs containing references;

  10. Figures (if available) with an informative title; they are placed right after paragraphs containing references. It is necessary to provide high-quality images suitable for printing in a separate graphic file (files);

  11. All abbreviations (even common ones) used in the text of the manuscript should be deciphered at the first mention, it is desirable to use no more than 10 abbreviations.

The electronic version should include the text part of the manuscript, all illustrative material (placed in light versions of pixel graphics in the required place in the manuscript), as well as separately provided files (pixel and vector graphics) in original resolution, quality and formats that meet the technical requirements of the publisher.

Typesetting and layout requirements:

  • The material file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF document format.

  • The main text is typed in Times New Roman, and the tables and legends for them are Arial.

  • Font size 12 points, line spacing 1.5, alignment of all text to the edge width, sheet size A4.

  • Page margins (top, bottom, right, left) - 2 cm, including page numbering.

  • All illustrations, graphs and tables are located in the appropriate places in the text and not at the end of the document.

  • The text is well structured using two or three levels of subheadings (up to a maximum of 4).

  • For the title of the article - bold, font size 18. For subheadings of the first, font size 16. For the second level, 14 and italics.

  • Paragraph indentation should be the same throughout the publication at 1.25mm. Breaking a paragraph indent with a space and the Tab key is not allowed.

  • Page numbering through (the first page is numbered) at the bottom center.

  • All words within a paragraph are separated by only one space.

  • There are no spaces before a punctuation mark, and one space after a punctuation mark.

  • Underlining, sparse text as highlights are not allowed.

  • The text is typed without hyphenation and aligned to the width of the strip (in the typing program, you must turn off automatic hyphenation and remove forced word hyphenation).

  • Footnotes are typed using an automatic text editor.

  • The numbering of footnotes is page-by-page (in Arabic numerals, regardless of the intended design).


It should be clear, concise (no more than 13 words), and sufficiently reflect the essence of the publication, as well as:

  • If possible, end with the design used (e.g., systematic review, cross-sectional / cohort / retrospective / prospective study).

  • Without declarative, parasitic scientific words that do not carry a special meaning (for example, “about the role / to the issue”, “relevant / modern”).

  • Ideally, at the beginning (the first 65 characters) contain at least 3 main thematic words (for better search engine optimization).

According to the guidelines for using the AMA style, it is desirable to include the following elements in the title describing: the patient; the medical intervention; the outcome; and the study design.


Abstract (up to 300 words, in special cases up to 400 words after agreement with the editorial team) of the original research should begin with a summary of background information and a statement of the goals / aims of the study, and then materials and methods, and end with the results. The final sentence should state the main conclusions of the study in the most understandable terms.

Other recommendations:

  • The abstract is structured according to the chosen type / design / guidelines of EQUATOR-Network.
  • No citations or hyperlinks.
  • Chosen methods are consistent with the stated purpose.
  • Methods specify the research design.
  • There is no discrepancy between the abstract and the manuscript sections, or statements and conclusions missing from the full text.
  • The abstract is clear and self-contained without reading the manuscript.
  • Absence of declarative, parasitic scholarly words and turns that make no sense and impair search engine optimization (e.g., "In this paper, the authors tried to conduct research to answer a relevant question ...").
  • Subject words are found in the first sentences of the abstract, especially in word combinations (for better search engine optimization).


The manuscript should contain from 3 to 10 keywords. To select keywords, be sure to use the terms included in the MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) thesaurus. For verification, it is recommended to use free resources: and

Full text

The text should be well structured and have a reasonable system of multi-level subheadings, as recommended by the journal.

If there is an IMRAD (Introduction, Methods / Materials and Discussion) structure, it is recommended to consider the following design aspects.


  • brief and relevant aim;
  • definition of the aim of the study and statement of the problem;
  • relevance and significance of the study, according to the literature review;
  • definitions of terms that appear in the manuscript (if this was done in the Abstract, it should be duplicated here);
  • a clearly formulated hypothesis is required for the Original article.


  • methods should be clearly described so that another researcher can reproduce the results of the study;

  • the choice of methods should be clearly justified (for example, the choice of imaging methods, analytical tools or statistical methods);

  • if there is a hypothesis, methods should be developed that allow it to be reasonably tested;

  • study design should be consistent with EQUATOR guidelines, if any (e.g., “CARE case study”).


  • the results must be clearly explained;

  • the order in which the results are presented must match the order in which the methods are described;

  • the results should be presented in a neutral and objective way (without unfounded conclusions);

  • results should be visualized if warranted; repetition of the Results in full text and tables is not allowed.

Discussion / Conclusions

The results should be interpreted objectively, discussing the limitations of the study (e.g. small sample size) and other biases (e.g. possible systematic error).

  • if there is a hypothesis, the authors should report whether it has been confirmed or disproved;
  • if unexpected results are obtained, authors should analyze them appropriately;
  • if relevant, the clinical relevance and application of the study should be stated, taking into account possible limitations of the research, but also without overgeneralization;
  • comparison of the results obtained with the data of other authors is necessary;
  • the conclusions should be strictly related to the aim and hypothesis;
  • the limitations of the study (e.g., small sample, age, etc.) are noted separately;
  • authors are welcome to give their opinion on the direction of future research.

Quoting in text

References are arranged as they appear in the text. The titles of all cited articles are mandatory (see below for the list of references). All articles in the bibliography should be cited in the text and, conversely, all references cited in the text should be included in the bibliography. Quotations are given in square brackets: [1], [2-5], etc.

When citing preprints, this type of article should be indicated both in the full text (in parentheses) and in the References. It is necessary to strictly keep track of the presence of unnecessary references in the text, not cited in the reference list, as well as to avoid missing numbering in the text of the paper.

Abbreviations and acronyms

    All abbreviations used in the text (even “common” abbreviations) should be deciphered at the first mention.
  • When abbreviations are used in the Abstract, repeated deciphering in the main text of the paper is mandatory. Abbreviations are mainly preferred for combinations of more than 2 words.
  • When an abbreviation is used less than 3 times, the full version should be replaced.
  • Only common abbreviations that have an English-language equivalent indexed in the Mesh thesaurus, e.g. DNA, COVID-19) are not deciphered.
  • The use of abbreviations in the title of the paper and sub-titles is unacceptable, except in certain cases.
  • It is recommended to use no more than 10 abbreviations per article.


The authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the data given in the list of references.

The Journal adheres to the international style "AMA" (11th edition of the American Medical Association) accepted in the medical literature.).

All links to journal publications must contain DOI (Digital Object Identifier, a unique digital article identifier in the CrossRef system). You should check the DOI of the article on the site or To get the DOI, you need to enter the title of the article in English into the search box. The latter site, in addition to DOI, automatically generates correctly formatted bibliographic writing of the article in English in the AMA citation style. The vast majority of foreign journal articles and many Russian-language articles published after 2013 are registered in the CrossRef system and have a unique DOI.

The Journal adopted the following DOI design (with https://):

A complete list of all authors should be presented in each bibliographic record. It is necessary to put "et al." or "et al." designation after the third name, if the cited article has more than 4 authors. The names of citations should not be abbreviated. Abbreviated journal titles should be consistent with the MedLine catalog. If the Journal is not indexed by MedLine, please indicate its full name.

Other recommendations:

  • When quoting an Internet resource, it is necessary to indicate the last date the author accessed it in a single style, according to the international style "AMA, 11th edition" (for example, Accessed March 18, 2023).

  • PMC, PMID, PMCID, EDN etc. is not allowed

  • The use of subscripts instead of a bibliography is discouraged.

  • Most types of articles use actual, international references without predominance (if there is no rationale for this) national ones and those that do not have an English version (for example, orders).

  • The volume of references in the article corresponds to the type of article and the recommendations of the journal.

  • For preprints, there is a note that this is a preprint (both in the References and in the full text).

Link examples:

Journal articles with DOI

Carraro U. Skeletal Muscle Apoptosis: a Debated Issue Now Well Resolved in Favor of the Padua School of Skeletal Muscle. A Review. Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2023; 22(5): 93-97.

[Mzhelsky A.A. Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine: Annual Update on Bibliometric Indicators Including Scopus Quartile (Q3). Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2023; 22(4): 8-13. (In Russ.).]

Journal articles without DOI

Molassiotis A., Cheng H.L., Lopez V. Are we mis-estimating chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy? Analysis of assessment methodologies from a prospective, multinational, longitudinal cohort study of patients receiving neurotoxic chemotherapy. BMC Cancer. 2019; 1 9(1): 132.

Books, monographs

Jenkins P.F. Making sense of the chest x-ray: a hands-on guide. New York: Oxford University Press. 2005; 194 p.

Adkinson N.F.Jr, Bochner B.S., Burks W., et al, eds. Middleton’s Allergy: Principles and Practice. 8th ed. Saunders. 2014.

Kwon D.S., Walker B.D. Immunology of human immunodeficiency virus infection. In: Paul W.E., ed. Fundamental Immunology. 7th ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2012; chap 42.

Internet resources

World Health Organization. Post COVID-19 condition (long COVID). Dec 7, 2022. Available at: (Accessed May 5, 2023).

Conference materials

Gilmutdinova I., Kudryashova I., Kostromina E. et al. The use of therapeutic plasmapheresis in preventive and sports medicine. BIO Web of Conferences. 2022; (48): 01009. Harnden P., Joffe J.K., Jones WG, editors. Germ cell tumours V. Proceedings of the 5th Germ Cell Tumour Conference; 2001 Sep 13-15; Leeds, UK. New York: Springer; 2002


Borkowski M.M. Infant sleep and feeding: a telephone survey of Hispanic Americans [dissertation]. Mount Pleasant (MI): Central Michigan University. 2002.

Preprints or accepted manuscripts

Before submitting a manuscript to the Journal, it should be checked whether the preprint or accepted manuscript has appeared in the regular edition and replaced with the details of the regular edition.

Bloss C.S., Wineinger N.E., Peters M., et al. A prospective randomized trial examining health care utilization in individuals using multiple smartphone-enabled biosensors. Preprint. Posted online October 28, 2015. bioRxiv 029983.

Collins-McMillen D., Stevenson E.V., Heon Kim J., et al. HCMV utilized a nontraditional STAT1 activation cascade via signaling through EGFR and integrins to efficiently promote the motility, differentiation, and polarization of infected monocytes. J Virol. Accepted manuscript. Published online October 11, 2017.

Data hosted in the repository

Nikolaeva M., Neymark M, Momot A. Data from: Bleeding disorders associated with severity of respiratory failure in COVID-19 patients. 2023. Mendeley Data, V1,

Cutter A.D., Gray J.C. Data from: Ephemeral ecological speciation and the latitudinal biodiversity gradient. Evolution. 2016; 70(10): 2171-2185. Dryad Digital Respository. Deposited August 17, 2016.

Francuzik W. Data from: Skin microbiome in atopic dermatitis: 16S gene sequence data. figshare. 2016.

Data hosted in the repository

Meeker D., Linder J.A., Fox C.R., et al. Effect of behavioral interventions on inappropriate antibiotic prescribing among primary care practices: a randomized clinical trial. Supplement 1. Study protocol and changes to analysis plan. JAMA. 2016; 315(6): 562-570. Accessed June 18, 2019.

Examples of footnotes:


Pagedas AC, inventor; Ancel Surgical R&D Inc., assignee. Flexible endoscopic grasping and cutting device and positioning tool assembly. United States patent US 20020103498 2002 Aug 1.

Regulations, orders

Veterans Hearing Loss Compensation Act of 2002, Pub. L. No. 107-9, 115 Stat. 11 (May 24, 2001).

Healthy Children Learn Act, S. 1012, 107th Cong., 1st Sess. (2001).

Cardiopulmonary Bypass Intracardiac Suction Control, 21 CFR Sect. 870.443 (2002)


All tables and figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals and have clear headings and table / figure captions that are easy to read and understand. Figure titles are placed below the image. Please make sure that the data in the table matches the numbers in the text and not just duplicates

In graphs it is obligatory to indicate the name of axes with units of measurement in accordance with SI (international system).

Units of measurement must be metric and conform to SI (international system).

At the stage of initial review, all images and tabular material should be inserted at the place of mention in the main text of the file. References to illustrative material in the text should be formatted as "(Fig. 1)" and "(Table 1)".

When submitting a manuscript, it is necessary to provide graphic material in high quality, suitable for printing. Color or black-and-white images should be high-contrast and legible.

Preference is given to vector formats (svg, al, eps, cdr). Raster formats (jpg, tif), as well as pdf are allowed.

As part of the inclusiveness policy, the Journal recalls that about 4% of the population suffers from various forms of color blindness. For this reason, all graphs and drawings must be made taking into account their full perception by those suffering from this ailment / the possibility of full perception when translated into a black and white image (for example, by introducing different numbers / letters / symbols for curves or areas represented by different colors). If this rule is not observed, manuscripts that received generally positive reviews will be returned for revision.

Additional recommendations:

  • All illustrations are done in "RGB" or "Grayscale" color modes

  • Any graphs and charts (with numerical data) are recommended to be made with Microsoft Excel (versions 2003 and later) and to be placed in the document with keeping the connection or to be provided as separate files (mark the entry points in the text of the manuscript), XLS, XLSX format.

  • When using third-party table processors and specialized graphing and charting software, provide either an on-screen resulting copy or output the result to a virtual printer in pdf format (with the "Graphic Quality" profile preset).

  • Raster illustrations (e.g., photographs, scanned drawings, screen copies) should also be submitted as separate JPEG2000, TIFF files with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, without compression, in addition to embedded elements.

  • Each figure is provided in a separate file, where the file name should reflect the structural numbering of the illustration in the text (for example: Figure 1.21 - file name: 1–21.tif).

  • If files of additional formats are used (for example: xls-files, cdx-files, ppt-files, visio-files, etc.), provide them in their original format with a separate file (in the format: *.rtf, *.doc , *.docx) descriptions of nuances.

  • When submitting a pie chart, it is recommended to evaluate the justification for using it (or replacing it with a line chart as a more objective representation of values).

  • The use of colored backgrounds, shadows, 3D graphics for two-dimensional images in charts is not recommended.