Issue №2-84, 2018

The Quality of the Recovery Process of Athletes after Aerobic Exercise and after the Flight

1 Kolomietс O.I., 1 Petrushkinа N.P., 1 Bykov E.V.

1 Ural state University of physical culture, Chelyabinsk, Russia


In order to compare the quality of restorative processes during sleep (c 22.00 to 06.00) after a three-hour morningaerobic training athletes (Taekwondo), resting in comfortable conditions (group 1) and those athletes who had a three-hourmorning flight to the West (group 2). For remote monitoring of physiological parameters characterizing the quality of recoveryduring sleep, used sensors with a wireless interface Firstbeat. The athletes in both groups was the voltage recoveryprocess, a significantly more pronounced in athletes after air travel than in athletes, the resting in normal conditions. Thedifferences in estimation of adaptive capacity, functional indicators of cardiorespiratory system (external respiration, pulmonaryventilation, average oxygen consumption, resistance to hypoxia), metabolic activity and energy cost of loads, reactionsof the autonomic nervous system, in terms of harmonization of intersystem relations and motor visceral functions. Thechanges were statistically significant after the flight. The sleep quality was less productive after a flight than after a trainingload. The obtained results confirm the need for the development of special rehabilitation measures implemented before andafter the flight, contribute to the normalization of physiological state to maintain an optimum level of readiness of athletes tosocially significant events.

KEYWORDS: спортсмены, ациклические виды спорта, тхэквондо, аэробная нагрузка, авиаперелет, восстановление, сон, адаптация


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This is an open article under the CC BY 4.0 license. Published by the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology.