Issue №2-84, 2018

Psychological Factors of Rehabilitation Potential in Disorders of Emotional Spectrum after Craniocerebral Trauma (Review of Literature)

1,2 Obraztsova V.S., 1 Pichugina I.M., 1 Richter S.V., 2,3 Ivanova E.M.

1 Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Reanimatology and Rehabilitation. Moscow, Russia
2 Mental Health Research Center, Moscow, Russia
3 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia


Every year the number of people with disabilities because of traumatic brain injury is steadily increasing. Such patientsoften have problems not only medical, but also social and psychological nature due the suffered trauma. Therefore, theobjective of rehabilitation is also to restore the personal and social status of the patient. However, the factors determiningthe formation of rehabilitation potential (RP) in affective and anxiety disorders in patients after traumatic brain injuryhave not previously been identified. Their study will contribute to the development of an algorithm for management andoptimization of rehabilitation measures for patients after traumatic brain injury. The developed practical model for determiningthe rehabilitation capabilities of the patient, based on the evaluation of violations of its components, will determinethe direction of rehabilitation measures, improve its effectiveness in affective and anxiety disorders that have developedas a result of traumatic brain injury.

KEYWORDS: psychological rehabilitation potential, traumatic brain injury, affective disorders


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This is an open article under the CC BY 4.0 license. Published by the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology.