Issue №2-84, 2018

The First Experience of Multidisciplinary Expertize of the Quality of Medical Care for Patients with Stroke During Intensive Care and Rehabilitation

2 Belkin A.A., 3 Ivanova G.E., 2 Alasheev A.M., 2 Pinchuk E.A., 1 Shelyakin V.A.

1 Sverdlovsk Fund of State Medical Insurance
2 Ural State Medical University
3 Russian Research Medical University N.I. Pirogova


In the formation of medical rehabilitation as a key component of comprehensive care in various diseases, difficultiesinevitably arise in interdisciplinary interaction and proper quality control of rehabilitation services. A possible way out inthe organization of a unified system of quality assessment at all stages of care, based on metrics, scales and sensitivecriteria for the adequacy and adequacy of health services. As one of the variants of such system in the system of obligatorymedical insurance of Sverdlovsk region the method of multidisciplinary expertize of quality of medical care for patientswith acute cerebral circulation is applied. The set of rules of expertize developed by the authors team, based on theclinical recommendations of professional communities, was tested on a sample of 5 patients with repeated stroke withfatal outcome. The results showed the possibility of reproducibility of the proposed rules for assessing the quality ofmedical care and the metrics and scales used in medical rehabilitation, in particular the Rehabilitation Routing Scale. Thefinal conclusions require big trials, including the immediate validation of scales.

KEYWORDS: multidisciplinary expertise, quality control, rehabilitation, acute cerebral circulation disorders


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This is an open article under the CC BY 4.0 license. Published by the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology.