Issue №2-84, 2018

Evaluating Physical Exercise Tolerance Using Ergospirometry at the Early Rehabilitation Stage for Children with Spinal Cord Injury

1 Novoselova I.N., 1 Ponina I.V., 1 Valiullina S.A., 1 Machalov V.A., 1 Lukianov V.I.

1 Clinical and Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Trauma (CRIEPST), Moscow, Russia


An adequate substrate providing and early mobilization for patients with the dominance of aerobic load are among toptargets of early rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injury. Insufficient attention to these priorities leads to muscleloss and lowering of rehabilitation potential. This article contains the professional group (pediatrician, neurologist, physicaltherapist) results for evaluating physical exercise tolerance at the early rehabilitation stage for children with spinalcord injury using ergospirometry.

KEYWORDS: spinal cord injury, physical exercise tolerance, ergospirometry, motion load, supreme oxygen consuming, anaerobic threshold, aerobic range


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This is an open article under the CC BY 4.0 license. Published by the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology.