Issue №3-85, 2018

Pedatric Physiotherapy Organization in Moscow in the Phases of Medical Rehabilitation

1 Valiullina S.A., 1 Ivanova D.A., 1 Burakov A.A.

1 SRI Emergency pediatric surgery and traumatology, Moscow Health Department, Moscow, Russia


Medical rehabilitation is a complex of interventions allowing to restore (compensate) the functions of the organism,disturbed or damaged because of the disease or injury, to correct the disturbed homeostasis, to stabilize the psychologicalstatus, to socially adapt the patient and as a result to integrate the child into society. Currently, three phase rehabilitation isbeing introduced in Russia, which ensures movement of the patient between all medical services (routing) and continuousprovision of assistance in all phases. Phase I (acute period of disease or injury) is carried out in intensive care units, specializeddepartments of hospitals. Phase II (early restorative period) is carried out in specialized rehabilitation departments ofmulti-profile hospitals or rehabilitation centers. Phase III is carried out in ambulatory clinics, day hospitals, sanatorium andmobile teams at home.Physiotherapy is widely used in all phases of medical rehabilitation, and physiotherapist is a permanent member of amultidisciplinary rehabilitation team.It is required to develop and apply the optimal reporting form for the most objective and detailed assessment of therehabilitation service in Moscow.

KEYWORDS: medical rehabilitation, restore function, multidisciplinary team, staging, routing, preformed physical factors, reporting form


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This is an open article under the CC BY 4.0 license. Published by the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology.