Issue №3-85, 2018

Neurorehabilitation of Violations of a Written Language at Children of School Age

1 Rumyanseva M.B.

1 Moscow Scientific Practical Center of Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative and Sports Medicine of the Department of Healthcare, Moscow, Russia


Dyslexia is a pathological condition characterized by a partial specific violation of the reading process, manifested in numerouserrors of a persistent nature and is due to the unformed higher mental functions that ensure the reading process. Theaim of this study is to assess the dynamics of the manifestations of dyslexia on the background of pharmacotherapy, nootropicdrugs (Cerebrolysin, encephabol, nootropics). A group of children dyslexia (103 children) aged 7 to 12 years, underwentcomplex neurological, psychological and neurophysiological examination. The results indicate that nootropic drugs have apositive impact on key indicators of reading, writing, and improve speech (phonemic awareness, phonemic memory, phonemicdecoding). Treatmentofdyslexiashould always be comprehensive and include methods of psychological, pedagogicaland logopedic correction, as well as pharmacotherapy.

KEYWORDS: dyslexia, phonological deficiency, automation skills, logopedic correction, nootropic therapy


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This is an open article under the CC BY 4.0 license. Published by the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology.