Issue №4-92, 2019

Problems of development health and resort complex of Russia

1 Parfenov A.A., 1 Datiy A.V., 1 Limonov V.I., 1 Korolev Y.N.

1 National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology, Moscow, Russia


A significant role in improving the health of the nation belongs to the progressive functioning of the domestic sanatorium-resort complex. In the presented article, the current situation in the sanatorium-resort complex of Russia is examinedfrom a systemic point of view, the socio-economic and organizational aspects of the sanatorium-resort sphere functioningare considered, taking into account the economic transformations taking place in the country. Based on the analysis, someproblem areas that are typical for the domestic sanatorium-resort industry, the main processes and trends of its developmenthave been identified and analyzed. This made it possible to identify the features of the functioning of the sanatoriumresortcomplex in the modern conditions of a market economy, to offer options and recommendations for improving anddeveloping the considered industry.

KEYWORDS: sanatorium complex; regulatory framework; availability of spa treatment; research and development; Information Support; the potential of resorts and therapeutic areas.


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This is an open article under the CC BY 4.0 license. Published by the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology.