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Ранняя помощь в структуре реабилитации детей (на примере Республики Татарстан)

10.38025/2078-1962-2021-20-4-99-105 1 Нефедьева Д.Л., 1 Бодрова Р.А., 1 Игнашина Е.Г., 2 Зиатдинов А.И., 2 Сенек С.А. Early Intervention in the Structure of Children’s Rehabilitation (on the Example of the Republic of Tatarstan) 1 Darya L. Nefedeva, 1 Rezeda A. Bodrova, 1 Elena G. Ignashina, 2 Ayrat I. Ziatdinov, 2 Svetlana A. Senek international classification of functioning, disability and health for children and adolescents, early intervention, rehabilitation
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