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Реабилитационные подходы при артропластике коленного сустава

10.38025/2078-1962-2022-21-2-61-69 1,2 Петрова Р.В., 1,2 Николаев Н.С., 3 Цыкунов М.Б. Rehabilitation Approaches for Knee Arthroplasty 1,2 Roza V. Petrova, 1,2 Nikolay S. Nikolaev, 3 Mikhail B. Tsykunov gonarthrosis, arthroplasty knee, rehabilitation after endoprosthetics, functional scales, domains, international classification of functions ICF, rehabilitation routing scale, multidisciplinary team

Немедикаментозные методы лечения больных гонартрозом

1 Кульчицкая Д.Б., 1 Кончугова Т.В., 2 Саламадина М.О. Non-drug methods of treatment of patients with gonarthrosis 1 Kulchitskaya D.B., 1 Konchugova T.V., 2 Salamadina M.O. gonarthrosis, laser Doppler flowmetry, microcirculation, pulsed low-frequency electrostatic field, infrared low-energy laser radiation.

Протокол ранней реабилитации после эндопротезирования крупных суставов (обзор литературы)

1 Секирин А.Б. Protocol of early rehabilitation after еndoprosthesis replacement of major joints (literature review) 1 Sekirin A.B. early rehabilitation, osteoarthritis, coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, disability, endoprosthetics, multidisciplinary approach, postoperative period, evidence-based medicine.
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