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Область поиска: теги — coronavirus [x] gentle long-term traction of spinal column [x] normobaric interval hypoxic training [x] COVID-19 [x]

Rationale of the Normobaric Interval Hypoxic Training Method and the «Detensor» Method for Long-term-traction of the Spinal Column Combined Application in the Complex of Rehabilitation Measures for Post-COVID-19 Syndrome

10.38025/2078-1962-2021-20-2-11-15 1 Tatyana N. Tsyganova, 2 Olga V. Kienlein (Balakireva), 2 Kurt L. Kienlein, 3 Alexey V. Kapustin, 4 Sergey V. Shushardzhan Post-COVID syndrome, coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, normobaric interval hypoxic training, method «Detensor», gentle long-term traction of spinal column
  по релевантности по дате